Greeble Pack Pro Zbrush 4R8-Zbrush 2021+
Quick and Easy way to Generate 4K Greeble Tillable Textures and 3D Greeble Models
Zbrush 4R8 Patch 1. 1.5 Update (Compatible with Zbrush 2021+)
Whats Included
-Greeble Generator
Create Tillable 4K/2K/1K Textures Easily by adjusting some Random Seeds on the Nanomeshes to make Unique Textures. You can generate Displacements, AO, Curvature, Opacity, and Normal Maps. These Maps can also be used in other 3D Applications.
-Greeble Elements
Collection of 80+ Subtools for you to use in Your Projects.
-Sample Greebles
Handful of Textures created with the Generator for you to use
-Sample Objects
Handful of Objects showcasing how the Greebles could be Applied to your Projects. Just Load them in Zbrush and do a BPR to see the Results
-Zscripts/Macros Added for One-Click Texture Generation and 3D Generation
-Material ID
-3D Greeble Panel
-3D Greeble Cylinder
NOTE!!! Zbrush 2022 has changed some of the Code, so use the Macros in ZBRUSH 2022 MACRO FOLDER. If your using earlier version of Zbrush you should be fine with original Macros.
-Greeble Brush
Zbrush IMM Brush that has over 100+ Models to help you customize your Greebles
Check out the 1.5 Update Video on YouTube.
By Purchasing this Pack you Agree that any Textures or 3D Models that you Create with it are Yours to use for any Purpose (Personal or Commercial). The Pack itself is a Single User License and may not be Redistributed or Sold.